Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Lucky One- Nicholas Sparks

This was another great book. Quick read. It's a Nicholas Sparks book, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say. He write pretty much the same thing, only different, but it's always a pleasure to read it. I'm looking forward to watching the movie!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tamar- Francine Rivers

This is the first book in a series of five by Rivers that explores women of the Bible and how their faith got them through difficult times. Jesus is a direct descendant of each of the women. The choices they made lead up to the birth of Christ. If they had no chosen to follow God's will, things could have been a lot different.

Tamar is a woman (girl really) who is "sold" into marriage to a man she despises. Through a series of events, she must go to great measures in order to have a son. I won't go into a lot of it. It's a great read. It's very interesting to read about what she has to do, considering a lot of it would seem wrong in today's world, but in the old testament was acceptable. But it's all true. Obviously, the Bible doesn't go into as much detail as Rivers, and some of it is expanded to make a good long story, but the events are true.

Rivers does an excellent job of writing about these events, and I can't wait to read the next one.

Skinny Bitch- Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

i picked up this book at the library thinking it would help and inspire me to eat healthier and lose weight.

I was very wrong. The writing is unique in that there quite a bit of swearing throughout. The first few chapters are no-nonsense about eating junk food, so I thought I was off to a good start. However after those few chapters, each chapter becomes a lecture on how meat and poultry are manufactured. These two (both were at one time models, only one actually has a degree) insist that the only way to become skinny is to become a vegetarian, if not vegan. Give up all meat, poultry and dairy. Completely.

Yes, according to these two, the treatment of animals being slaughtered is pretty gruesome, but don't try and sell a book about being skinny and then just feed me lines about that part. I picked up the book to read about being skinny, not about animal mistreatment.

They had a few good points, but overall, this book was a waste of my time.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mortal Instruments Books 2-4- Casandra Clare

I started the first of these books earlier last summer, but only just got to reading the latest three this winter. It took me a little while to get going in the second book since I had to remember what had happened in the first one, but once I got going, I couldn't put it down. Luckily, the library had three and four available as soon as I got done with the next one.

Clary is a Shadow Hunter. She was born to kill demons. Her father is an evil Shadowhunter trying to (basically) take over the world. The guy Clary had a huge crush on, she finds out, is apparently her brother. The closest thing Clary has to a father is a werewolf and her best friend turns into a vampire.

There are many intense fighting sequences throughout these books and every time you think you're about to have a good stopping place, something else happens that makes you want to read more.

The book is thrilling, adventurous, heartwarming, and sexy without being inappropriate. If you're into YA paranormal, these books are a great read. Fast too. The next book comes out in May. I can't wait!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall- Anne Bronte

If you're a fan of Victorian literature, I definitely recommend this book. I was a bit leary of it at first, because I've tried to read her sisters' works, and they're not the easiest for me to read. However, Anne had me captivated from the very beginning. The characters are all wonderful. (Not in that, I love every character kind of way, but just that their characters are brilliant.) The plot is really quite exquisite, and it keeps you guessing the whole way. If you're not a fan of Victorian lit., it probably won't appeal to you as much, but if you are, this book really is a must-read.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

City of Bones, Mortal Instruments, Book 1- Cassandra Clare

Clare really brings you into a completely different world. It's a pretty intense book, one with lots of twists, a big one in which the reader doesn't see coming. (At least, I didn't...) Clare brings the reader into a world of Angels and Demons, and Shadowhunters, and Warlocks. Battling against each other.

It's a pretty thick book, but I read it pretty fast. Although, I know I say that in a lot of my posts, so I'm starting to think that I just really do read rather fast, and it may not go as fast for others. Although, one of the reasons I get done so quickly is because once I start a book that I'm seriously interested in, I can't really put it down until it's completed. If you're reading this, I hope you can relate!

where she went- Gayle Forman

This woman writes some heart wrenching stuff. In the sequal to if i stay, Forman writes from the prospective of the boyfriend three years after the accident. What unfolds within this story is an amazing journey for Adam. The reader visits his past and is looking foward to what lies ahead in his future.

I started and ended this book within one work shift, granted, basically all I've been doing is reading, but still, it's a fast-reading sequal that may even bring you to tears, but in one of the best ways a novel can.