Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Total Money Makeover- Dave Ramsey

If you're having any kind of financial difficulties, or would just like to be debt free, this is a book for you. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a proven method of getting debt free if you work hard at it for a certain amount of time. Dave walks through every step with you. This book gave me hope that I won't be paying off my student loans forever if I work really hard at getting them paid off, and to never, ever use a credit card, and that you don't have to go into debt. MOst of what he says, you would think people would already know, but you'd be surprised with how many people at broke.
One thing Dave talks about is broke people. If you see all those people, let's just call them the "Joneses", and you think they have it all, that may be true, but they're also probably in debt way over their head with no way of knowing how to get out. Do you really want your life to be like that?

"If you live like no one else now, you can live like no one else later."

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